The Fudge Patch, Greenwich - Some of the best fudge I've ever tasted

The country is currently going through one of the longest heatwaves the UK has seen in years so I took this opportunity to visit the beautiful town of Greenwich with the family. With sights and attractions such as the Royal Observatory Greenwich, Prime Meridian Line, The Cutty Sark and The National Maritime Museum there is a lot to see and do in Greenwich.

The high-street has great options for food with a range of restaurants, cafes, vendors and pubs. We even dropped into this lovely Vietnamese restaurant, Pho Street (which you can read about here). Great food with great air-conditioning! (especially during these hot days.)

The Fudge Patch owner in shop

Greenwich is also home to some great markets situated in the middle of town although they were unfortunately closed the day we visited. We did happen to stumble upon a small fudge shop in the North East corner of Greenwich Market, The Fudge Patch.

We were initially pulled in by the intriguing sign in the window; "This isn't soap, it's fudge" I wonder which poor soul walked in asking to buy soap? The owner was soon calling us in for some free samples -I will never say no to free fudge!

the fudge patch greenwich

The Fudge Patch produces a huge variety of flavours of fudge, of which a large selection of flavours are vegan and/or gluten free. All of the fudge is made by hand, in store on a marble countertop. If you walk in at the right time you'll likely see them making it. 

the fudge patch greenwich

We opted for 3 flavours, Chocolate Sea Salt, Salted Caramel and Strawberry & Cream although Patch (the owner) did offer us a taster of the Coffee Fudge and Lemon Sherbet Fudge. I have to say it's probably the best fudge I've ever tasted! There are so many other flavours to choose from and Patch was happy to provide some tasters to try before you buy.

strawberries and cream fudge

Chocolate fudge

I think what really makes The Fudge Patch (apart from the amazing fudge) was the owner Patch. If anyone has made fudge his passion, it's him. He'll happily tell you how he got into making fudge, how he makes it and generally up for a chat (He's got some good pub recommendations).

If you're a huge fan of fudge (who isn't?) or looking for a gift for a fudge lover, I'd strongly recommend a visit, or you can even order gift boxes online.

The Fudge Patch Instagram

Disclaimer- we were not paid or rewarded for this honest review.


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